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Paolo Fanale (Singer)

Paolo Fanale made his pro­fes­sio­nal debut in 2007, inter­pre­ting Don Otta­vio in Mozart’s Don Gio­vanni in Padua and since then his career has taken him on some of the most impor­tant venues all over the world. Among his recent and future enga­ge­ments: Verdi’s Fal­staff in Amster­dam and at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, Verdi’s La tra­viata at the Royal Opera House, Berlioz’s Les Troyens at La Scala, Don Gio­vanni at the New Natio­nal Thea­tre in Tokyo and at the Salzburg Festival, Ber­lioz’s Roméo et Juliette in Paris under the baton of Daniele Gatti and in Mon­te­ Carlo, Donizetti's L’elisir d’amore in Mar­seille and Ber­lin, Mozart’s Die Zau­ber­flöteat the Mas­simo Theatre in Palermo and at the Comu­nale Theatre in Bolo­gna, Mozart’s Così fan tutte at the Bavarian State Opera and at the German Opera in Ber­lin, a recor­ding of Verdi’s Aida and Magni­fi­cat under the baton of Antonio Pap­pano in Rome, Debussy’s Pel­léas et Méli­sande under the baton of Daniele Gatti in Flo­rence, Puccini’s Gianni Schic­chi in Lon­don, Mozart’s Lucio Silla on tour in Europe, and Fal­staff direc­ted by David McVi­car at the Vienna State Opera. His repertoire also includes roles of Belmonte (Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail), Tito (Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito), Camille de Rosillon (Lehár’s Die lustige Witwe), Grimoaldo (Handel’sRodelinda), Orphée (Gluck’s Orphée et Eurydice), Nicias (Massenet’s Thaïs), the Duke (Verdi’s Rigolleto), the title role in Gounod’sFaust, Romeo (Gounod’s Romeo et Juliette), Edgardo (Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor), and Rodolfo (Puccini’s La Bohème).


He has also performed with the Metro­po­li­tan Opera, Berlin State Opera, Thea­ter an der Wien, Paris Opera, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Ancient Theatre of Orange, and opera houses of Oslo, Hel­sinki, Dublin, Tel Aviv, Stra­sbourg, Mar­seille, Nancy, Tou­lon, and Nice, Reina Sofía Palace of the Arts in Valen­cia, Liceu Theatre, Geneva Opera Thea­tre, Turin Royal Theatre, Carlo Felice Theatre in Genoa, San Carlo Theatre in Naples, Comunale Theatre in Verona, Verona Philharmonic Theatre, Comu­nale Theatre in Flo­rence, Auditorium Parco Della Musica in Rome, and opera houses of Bolo­gna, Modena, Pia­cenza, Reg­gio Emi­lia, Cata­nia, Ancona, Sas­sari, Rovigo, Trento, Bol­zano, Padova, Salerno, Martina France, Como, and Cremona. He has also appeared on French and Italian Radio.

Paolo Fanale has also performed under batons of James Levine, Clau­dio Abbado, Kurt Masur, Zubin Metha, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Daniel Oren, Jordi Savall, Kirill Petrenko, Yves Abel, Frédéric Chaslin, and Patrick Fournillier. Among his stage partners, one can mention Plácido Domingo, Raúl Giménez, Diana Damrau, Sophie Koch, and Ambrogio Maestri.

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